Quality Expert Certification
The scheme involves the assessment and international certification of cotton quality experts to implement an internationally recognised standard. This will establish a global panel of cotton quality experts which will:
- Provide an improved professional service to the cotton industry
- Enhance the profile and recognition of certified individuals
- Provide a pool of quality experts to assist in the settlements of quality disputes
- Act as a forum to raise the standard and consistency of classing and testing
The scheme is available to any individual who has fulfilled the certification criteria and is not on or related to a firm which is on the CICCA List of Unfulfilled Awards.
- Worldwide recognition of your credibility and competence
- Provide a resource for quality arbitrators
- Advice and information from other experts in the industry
- Set a high standard for you to achieve and maintain
- Promotion on our website
- A marketing advantage with full use of the ‘ICA Bremen Certified Quality Expert’ logo
While ICA Bremen and our certified laboratories provide a high quality HVI testing service, often it is more than just testing that is required. After samples have been tested using HVI, the results may need to be analysed and interpreted so that the client knows what action to take. This is where a Quality Expert can help – they have the experience and knowledge to help clients make decisions from their results.
In addition, Quality Expert certification covers more than just HVI testing. The criteria specify that to become a Quality Expert, extensive knowledge and experience of classing cotton are also required. This means that these experts have a wide knowledge of all cotton quality issues, not just those restricted to HVI testing.
- Self-application with one referee
- Documentation verification
- Assessment by the Certification Assessment Panel and ICA Bremen Board
- If approved, a certificate will be issued
- If the individual is not approved, they can participate in the ICA Bremen training course to help their expertise reach the required level for re-assessment
View the list of Quality Expert’s here
The certification of any quality expert by ICA Bremen only demonstrates that the certified individual has fulfilled the Certification Criteria as required. The certification by no means implies that ICA Bremen endorses the work conducted by the certified individual.
Individuals who have attended the ICA Bremen Cotton Classing & Testing Training programme will have the required level of knowledge in many areas.
What is the cost?
€120 per calendar year.
How to apply
Simply complete our online application form – a member of the team will then be in contact.