Testing Methods
Using a variety of testing methods, we can offer you the following services:
Our High Volume Instrument Testing (HVI) is capable of providing measurement of the following parameters, as well as standalone testing at a reduced fee:
- Length (UHML) and Uniformity Index (UI)
- Micronaire Strength (g/tex) and Elongation
- Colour (reflectance Rd, yellowness +b) and Colour Grade
- Trash (% area, trash count) and Trash Grade
- Short Fibre Content and Maturity Index
- New: Nep Testing
See an example of HVI test results
We have a Premier G-Trash Tester that measures the trash content by weight in a cotton sample. This testing method is suitable for merchants and spinners who specify an exact trash content allowance for the shipment in their contract.
We can also measure ‘stickiness’ as a separate parameter. This measurement is used to determine level of sugar content and how sticky the cotton is.
Micronaire testing can be conducted on either the HVI or the Sheffield Micronaire Tester. Comparisons between the two instruments show that the results are correlated.
Our Advanced Fibre Instrument System can analyse the physical properties of single fibres and is especially used to determine the nep content.
If you would like us to arrange for manual classing, please contact us on or call +49 (0)421 339 7018
This includes the identification of genetically modified cotton and the differentiation of cotton species such as Pima / Gossypium Barbadense.
We have recognised that the traceability of cotton varieties in the different processing stages is becoming increasingly important, with the need for suitable and reliable analytical tools becoming greater. Through our partnership with Impetus Bioscience, a private company specialising in DNA analysis, we can offer a range of analytical tools to test the DNA of cotton in different stages of producing garments*
Depending on the process stage of the garment, this can include the identification of genetically modified cotton and the differentiation of Pima and Gossypium Barbadense cotton species.
* With each step of processing, additional factors may affect the ability to differentiate the DNA and the probability of a suitable detection is successively decreased
In partnership with
If you would like to discuss our DNA testing services in more detail, please contact us.
Premier’s G-Trash tester provides the overall gravimetrical trash content of a raw cotton sample. A high-speed licker-in roller individualises the cotton sample to separate the trash particles from the cotton lint. In order to minimise variation of results, three sub samples of about 10 grams each are prepared from the original sample and tested. The lint is collected separately in a lint box and the trash particles on a tray. The trash particles are then weighed automatically to calculate the trash content in %.
No calibration is necessary. Unlike MDTA (see below), the G-Trash tester does not sort according to trash kind.
G-trash can be used in connection with the Premier ART test to compare the usual optical trash measurement and the trash content by weight on the same sample.
See an example of G-Trash test results
Micro Dust and Trash Analyser (MDTA) provides values for the gravimetrical trash content in a sample, unlike High Volume Instrument testing (HVI) where the trash is evaluated by an optical measurement. It separates fibres, general trash and fibre fragments with a particle size of more than 500 microns, as well as dust with a particle size of more than 15 microns from a sample of raw cotton or sliver.
In order to minimise variation of results, two sub samples of about 20 grams each are prepared from the original sample and tested. For evaluation after testing, the different separated fractions are weighed and related to the weight of the testing sample.
MDTA provides important indications for the content of dust and fibre fragments and the cleanability of raw cotton that have influence on the processing of yarn on different spinning machines. Samples for the different separated trash fractions of the tested sample are available on special request.
See an example of MDTA test results