A Week at the Cotton Exchange: Insights from Our Cotton Classing & Testing Training

Last week at the Cotton Exchange in Bremen, a hub of historical significance in the cotton industry, ICA Bremen hosted its renowned Cotton Classing & Testing Training. This event brought together global cotton professionals for a week-long intensive training program. With expert-led sessions and hands-on technology demonstrations, participants deepened their understanding of both traditional and modern methods essential for advancing in the cotton industry.

The training programme was carefully planned to cover all aspects of cotton classification and testing. Participants were given the rare chance to interact with cutting-edge High Volume Instrumentation (HVI) devices, receiving hands-on experience that combined theory and practical skills. The manual classing sessions, taught by the experienced Jens Wirth of ICA Bremen, provided in-depth insights into traditional procedures that are still used in the industry. Jens’ understanding of the hands-on complexity of cotton classing enriched the learning process, making it both educational and enjoyable to do.

Axel Drieling of the Bremen Fibre Institute led the segments on advanced testing procedures, such as the Automated Fibre Information System (AFIS) and other single fibre testing methods. His workshops focused on how technological advances have transformed cotton testing, providing participants a competitive advantage in their particular industries.

One of the event’s main draws was the opportunity for participants to network with their peers and industry experts. Experts from Bangladesh to Mexico were among the varied group of attendees, which fostered a fruitful exchange of knowledge. We hope our worldwide networking environment not only increased the learning experience, but also laid the groundwork for future partnerships and developments.

As we draw to a close an insightful week at Bremen’s Cotton Exchange, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended from all over the world. Thanks to your excitement and commitment to learning the intricate processes of cotton quality evaluation, this year’s Cotton Classing & Testing Training was a great success.

For those interested in being part of future training events or wishing to learn more about cotton classing and testing, please reach out to Emmy at ICA Bremen –

Don’t miss the chance to enhance your expertise and connect with global leaders in the cotton industry.