26 Members from the cotton community become certified as ICA Bremen Quality Experts.

The Quality Expert scheme is a service provided by ICA Bremen which has established a global panel of specialists who will help implement an excellent standard of service and advice. The skills they offer to the community can help provide an outstanding resource for quality arbitrators, as well as advice and information from a certified pool of industry experts.

Southern Region Operations and Technical Manager, ProClass Pty Ltd, Patrick McDonnell (Pictured) said; “I think the Quality Expert Programme is a great opportunity to be part of a global panel that can provide professional assistance in all facets of the quality chain to the industry”.

A group of 26 leading industry experts are now able to offer their services with a credible stamp of approval. Quality Experts can help clients with cotton quality issues such as the HVI testing services and offer support when making critical decisions. In addition, they can offer extensive knowledge and experience in cotton classing and evaluation. .

If you require the services of a Quality Expert, please visit our website to see the names of the certified panel. You can also identify an expert through the ‘ICA Bremen Certified Quality Expert’ logo (pictured).

Find out more about ICA Bremen’s Quality Expert Certification,or email info@ica-bremen.org.


For any enquiries, please contact Lily Litchfield: +44 (0)151 236 6041 / Lily@ica-bremen.org
Editor’s notes: About ICA Bremen
• ICA Bremen is an ‘international centre of excellence’ for cotton testing, research and quality training.

• Operating from existing, state of the art laboratory facilities in Bremen, Germany the centre was officially launched in October 2011.

• The centre combines the global reach of the International Cotton Association with the quality expertise of Bremer Baumwollboerse (BBB) and the Bremen Fibre Institute (FIBRE).

• ICA Bremen’s services include; Laboratory Certification, Laboratory Testing, WCC Classing Authority, Quality Arbitration, Round Trials, Cotton Grade Standards, Research & Development, Training, Quality Expert Certification and Consultancy.